Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Resources

I was thinking about a lot of problems and issues that our world is facing. But the most interesting topic for me was about power sources because it is part of my major. Power sources as we know like oil and solar power and other sources. I chose this topic because our world is facing a big problem which is about losing the most important source as we know, the oil. It will finish soon and we have to find other sources. In this essay, I will talk about problems of finishing the oil and I will write some solutions and other sources of power.

Years ago and especially since the oil was discovered, the world has changed dramatically. The world faced problems because of using coal in trains and some factories to turn on the machines, so it caused pollution in the air and it harmed the environment. In addition, we thought this pollution would reduce when we used the oil for the factories; as we see the pollution became less than before but a lot of using the oil, whether in factories or cars, it reduced the pollution. The big problem is the longevity of the oil became less and we don`t have other permanent resources because the oil was already a temporary source. As the cars are increasing the oil will became less until it finishes. We can imagine how the world will stop without a source of power. (

As the scientists know this problem, they are trying hard to find other resources. They find solar power but the problem is it is not for all the time, just at the morning it will work and it is good for the factories. another source of power is nuclear power; it is good for electricity in a lot of countries and it is one of the permanent resources ( There is also wind power; it is good for countries which are located in low lands such as Netherlands. Also, the best solution for the new resource of power is hydrogen power; it is clean and very strong for engines (

In conclusion, I think the solar power, the nuclear power and the hydrogen power are the best alternative sources for the oil. Also they are know as the clean power.

1- "Petroleum." Energy Information. 2008. Web. 19 May 2010.
2- "Nuclear Power." Nuclear Power. 2007. Web. 19 May 2010. .
3- "Hydrogen." Hydrogen. 2009. Web. 19 May 2010. .

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