Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Resources

I was thinking about a lot of problems and issues that our world is facing. But the most interesting topic for me was about power sources because it is part of my major. Power sources as we know like oil and solar power and other sources. I chose this topic because our world is facing a big problem which is about losing the most important source as we know, the oil. It will finish soon and we have to find other sources. In this essay, I will talk about problems of finishing the oil and I will write some solutions and other sources of power.

Years ago and especially since the oil was discovered, the world has changed dramatically. The world faced problems because of using coal in trains and some factories to turn on the machines, so it caused pollution in the air and it harmed the environment. In addition, we thought this pollution would reduce when we used the oil for the factories; as we see the pollution became less than before but a lot of using the oil, whether in factories or cars, it reduced the pollution. The big problem is the longevity of the oil became less and we don`t have other permanent resources because the oil was already a temporary source. As the cars are increasing the oil will became less until it finishes. We can imagine how the world will stop without a source of power. (

As the scientists know this problem, they are trying hard to find other resources. They find solar power but the problem is it is not for all the time, just at the morning it will work and it is good for the factories. another source of power is nuclear power; it is good for electricity in a lot of countries and it is one of the permanent resources ( There is also wind power; it is good for countries which are located in low lands such as Netherlands. Also, the best solution for the new resource of power is hydrogen power; it is clean and very strong for engines (

In conclusion, I think the solar power, the nuclear power and the hydrogen power are the best alternative sources for the oil. Also they are know as the clean power.

1- "Petroleum." Energy Information. 2008. Web. 19 May 2010.
2- "Nuclear Power." Nuclear Power. 2007. Web. 19 May 2010. .
3- "Hydrogen." Hydrogen. 2009. Web. 19 May 2010. .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

History of computer

Years ago, the life was hard because of lack of inventions and it was too simple. People tried to develop the equipment and technology to make the life easier. The important media in our life is the computer. The computer now is everything in our life and it contains different media in one machine. Those media are fax, internet, telephone, television and other things. In this essay, I will talk about the history of computer from the past until now.

The first computer z1 was invented in 1936 by the German scientist Conrad Zosa. He was born in 1910 and he was working in the Ministry of Labor as an engineer. The first computer which was working by electricity called z1 in 1936 and the second was called z2 in 1940. The first revolution in the computer industry was in 1941 because of z3 which it was the first computer to accept some programs. After a few years some companies designed different programs for the computer. For example, document programs, games and other applications. In 1962 there was the first idea for connecting some computers together. In 1990 the dream came true and the internet browser was available for all people. The big revolution for computer invention was in 1990 because of the idea of connecting each computer together. Companies try hard to develop software programs to get benefits and that was what was done by the company called Microsoft which is owned by Bill Gates the richest man in the world. In addition, different programs have been available for people such as design programs for engineering; also it is used for advertisements. The computer size was changed gradually from big size to small size which is called the laptop.
A computer is the first reference for all people to work in after 2000. They prepare their work and organize it by electronic files because it will never lose. Also, students do their research and solve the problems by the computer programs. In 2010 and especially in these days, the children also learn how to work on the computer by writing or playing some games. In the future, the improvement of the computer will never stop. In addition, some programs show how the computer will improve and it is unbelievable because it will make the life easier than now.

Finally, the computer is the most important invention ever because it helps us to organize our life easily.


"Computer." Computer. 2006. Web. 18 May 2010.

Bugatti VS Porsche 911

Many people like to have a sport car that looks nice and has full options. There are several famous companies that produce cars such as, Bugatti, Porsche. The first similarity is that both cars are considered famous cars. Those two cars are ranked top cars and designed as fashionable cars. In this essay I am going to write about the similarities and differences between the Bugatti and the Porsche 911 Turbo.

The first similarity is that they are both German companies. The last similarity is that the both of them are at least a hundred years old.
The differences between these two cars are many. The first difference is the price; the Veyron costs at least $1.5M ( ) while the 911 costs $500, 00 at most. Secondly the speed. The Veyron can reach 250mph while the 911 can only go 200mph maximum ( ) . The third and last difference is the weight; the Veyron weighs 5000Ib while the 911 weighs 3750Ib ( ) .

In conclusion I would like to end this essay with saying that the people who have money have to buy these cars because they are expensive cars. The people who don’t have money have to get loans to buy these cars.
